Responsibilities of the Sheriff
The responsibilities of the Sheriff as a Maryland Constitution Officer include the following:
- Enforce all laws applicable to St. Mary's County and the State of Maryland
- Management of the Detention and Rehabilitation Center
- Security of the Court System
- Service of Writs of Execution, Attachments, Body Attachment and Subpoenas for Civil and Criminal Court appearances
- Protection of persons from loss of life or injury
- Protection of property from loss or damage
There are five Divisions within the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office:
- Patrol
- Criminal Investigations and Vice/Narcotics
- Special Operations
- Corrections
- Administrative
Within these divisions, some of the specialized sections include:
- K-9 (both general duty and narcotics dogs)
- Forensic Science section (Mobile Crime Lab)
- Traffic Safety Unit
- Child Support Enforcement Program
- Community Policing Units
- School Resource Officers
- Emergency Services Team
- Motors
- Office of Professional Responsibilities
- Training
- Volunteers
- Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement
- Crisis Intervention Team
- Judicial Section
- Emergency Response Team (Corrections)
- Community Supervision