St. Mary's County Crime Solvers

If you have a tip on a crime that has occurred in St. Mary's County, contact Crime Solvers. The Crime Solvers Hot Line is available 24 hours a day at 301-475-3333. You can also text to Crime Solvers at 274637. Type "Tip239" in the message block and select SEND. After receiving a response, continue the conversation. Note: Tip239 is case-sensitive and must be typed in the message block as shown.
What is the St. Mary's County Crime Solvers, Inc.?
The St. Mary's County Crime Solvers, Inc., is a non profit organization that assists the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office in helping to solve crimes committed in St. Mary's County by providing rewards for information that leads to the arrest of criminals.
St. Mary's County Crime Solvers, Inc., is comprised of volunteers who lend their time and efforts in educating the community about the role of Crime Solvers and solicits donations and arranges fundraisers to obtain the money to be used for the rewards.
How Did Crime Solvers Begin?
Crime Solvers (also known as Crime Stoppers) began in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The program became so effective in helping the local communities locate criminals that in 1976 Crime Solvers expanded into a national program.
Currently the program operates in more than 1,000 jurisdictions in the United States, Canada and various other countries throughout the world.
St. Mary's County Crime Solvers, Inc., began in 1979.
What is the St. Mary's County Crime Solvers, Inc. Goal?
To increase the protection of the citizens of St. Mary's County by assisting the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office in improving awareness of the program and to provide funds to help solve crimes.
How Do You Benefit from this Program?
With the support of Crime Solvers to the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office, tips of information are received concerning crimes in the area, which leads to the arrest of criminals.
Criminals are taken off the streets, which leads to a much safer community for all.
What Can I do to Help Crime Solvers?
You can anonymously report any crime you witness and/or report any tips of information you may have on a crime by calling the Crime Solvers tip line 301-475-3333.
You can volunteer to become a member of the St. Mary's County Crime Solvers, Inc. The Crime Solvers Board meets the first Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. at the Northern Senior Activity Center, 29655 Charlotte Hall Road, Charlotte Hall, MD.
For more information on becoming a volunteer, call 301-994-0732.
You can make a donation to the St. Mary's County Crime Solvers, Inc.
The St. Mary's County Crime Solvers, Inc., is a designated 501©(3) non-profit organization. The full amount of your gift is tax deductible to the extent of the law since no goods or services were provided you in relation to your contribution.
Crime Solvers does not receive any taxpayer dollars to help in this effort. All money is raised through Crime Solvers' fundraising efforts and donations from businesses and the public.
Donations shall be made to the St. Mary's County Crime Solvers, Inc. and mailed to:
St. Mary's County Crime Solvers, Inc.
P.O. Box 221
Mechanicsville, MD 20659
This money is used to support the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office in offering rewards to individuals who have information about crimes committed in St. Mary's County.
Please help us by informing family and friends about St. Mary's County Crime Solvers, Inc. and its role.
Please help us solve crimes in St. Mary's County.