Detention and Rehabilitation Center Incarcerated Individual Programs

Incarcerated individuals sentenced to the St. Mary’s County Detention and Rehabilitation Center, who are authorized work release by the courts, go through an interview process during which pertinent personal and job-related information is gathered. Necessary information is verified with the employer. Then, release and return times for the Detention and Rehabilitation Center are established. Incarcerated individuals in the program sign an agreement regarding the rules, regulations and restrictions of Work Release.

The Director of the Corrections Division has great latitude in the administration of the Work Release Program. Incarcerated individuals are closely monitored by the Community Supervision Unit. Such monitoring includes telephone calls to employers, periodic urinalysis, and breath alcohol testing to assure compliance with the agreement. Employers are sent a letter confirming an incarcerated individual's participation in the Work Release Program, along with time sheets that are used by the Detention and Rehabilitation Center staff to verify hours worked. Any infraction of the signed agreement could result in an incarcerated individual's suspension from Work Release and return to the General Population.

Day Reporting

Day Reporting, or Electronic Home Monitoring, is a sentencing alternative which incarcerates an incarcerated individual in their place of residence instead of the Detention and Rehabilitation Center.

Instituted in 1991, the program has proven to be a cost-effective and reliable method of ensuring certain convicted offenders receive punishment commensurate with their offense, while also ensuring public safety is not compromised.

Much like the Work Release Program, incarcerated individuals are authorized participation in Day Reporting by the courts. Participants are subject to an intense screening process conducted by Detention and Rehabilitation Center staff.

Incarcerated Individual Literacy

A cooperative effort with the Board of Education and the Literacy Council, the Detention and Rehabilitation Center Literacy Program continues to provide remedial education and preparation to incarcerated individuals for the general educational development (GED) test. The Board of Education provides these services to the incarcerated individuals and detainees three days a week.

Detention Center Computer Photo

Rehabilitation Programs

The Detention and Rehabilitation Center in partnership with Walden-Sierra, Inc., provides a variety of programs to the male and female incarcerated individual.

These programs include:

  • Alcohol and Drug Education
  • Domestic Violence / Anger Management
  • Health and Nutrition
  • Substance Abuse Counseling
  • Parenting Skills
  • Mental Health Counseling

Incarcerated Individual Programs Volunteer

Download Incarcerated Individual Programs Volunteer Background Form

For more information on Incarcerated Individual Programs, please contact:

Glenda R. Thompson
Programs Administrative Coordinator
Office: (301) 475-4200 x2250
Fax: (301) 475-4010

Main Line to Detention and Rehabilitation Center: (301) 475-4200 x2200