The Vice Narcotics Unit is comprised of detectives, a crime analyst, and professional staff members whose primary focus is to identify, disrupt, and dismantle the illegal possession, distribution, and trafficking of illegal narcotics within St. Mary's County. In furtherance of these objectives, the unit leads highly complex investigations into narcotic distributors and narcotic networks by employing innovative investigative strategies, engaging in proactive policing, and executing search and seizure warrants, which ultimately lead to successful prosecution in court.
Often, Vice Narcotics detectives work in conjunction with officers within other Sheriff's Office divisions and units including the Patrol Division, the Special Operations Division, the Criminal Intelligence Unit, the Emergency Services Team, and supporting personnel.
The SMCSO recognizes the value of a holistic process that focuses on the prevention and diversion of illegal narcotics and illegal prescription medication abuse within the County. In recognizing this process, the Vice Narcotics Unit's Heroin Coordinator works in partnership with the St. Mary's County Health Department, supporting community groups, community leaders, and surrounding jurisdictions to provide resources, outreach, and opportunities to those affected by illegal narcotics and illegal prescription medication usage.
The Vice Narcotics Unit also manages the prescription medication take-back program, which allows community members the opportunity to safely dispose of unwanted medications using an anonymous drop box in the front lobby of the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office.